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## -*-Tcl-*- (install)
# ###################################################################
# Vince's Additions - an extension package for Alpha
# FILE: "wwwMenu.tcl"
# created: 30/4/97 {11:04:46 am}
# last update: 18/3/1999 {4:57:05 pm}
# Author: Vince Darley
# E-mail: <darley@fas.harvard.edu>
# mail: Division of Applied Sciences, Harvard University
# Oxford Street, Cambridge MA 02138, USA
# www: <http://www.fas.harvard.edu/~darley/>
# Copyright (c) 1997-1998 Vince Darley, all rights reserved
# A simple text-only WWW browser. Since Alpha can't use the http
# protocol, it can only browse files locally, but could be easily
# extended if/when Alpha upgrades to Tcl8.0
# Basic features: handles most common html tags, and has a
# history list and a back/forward capability. Can handle mailto,
# ftp and java applets itself; all other stuff is optionally
# shipped off to Internet Config.
# Use the cursor keys, mouse or cmd-[] to move from web page
# to web page as follows:
# <- or cmd-[ goto previous page
# cmd-] goto next page
# -> or return goto current link
# up/down arrow highlight previous/next link
# mouse-click goto clicked-upon link
# You can also select 'view source' from the menu. Many keys
# are also bound to imitate the browser 'lynx'.
# Advanced features:
# ctrl-return allows you to edit the original of the link currently
# selected.
# Using the WWW mode preferences you can ask Alpha to handle
# some URL types internally (currently mailto: and ftp: only).
# Also Java applets may be sent to your javaviewer application
# (for example the 'Apple Applet Runner' which is free from apple).
# To Do:
# Could be faster (i.e. it's probably useless on 680x0 machines),
# and it would be nice if Alpha added Tcl's socket capability.
# However it's reasonably useful for browsing local HTML
# documentation.
# Installation: (requires Alpha 7.0b1)
# It's most useful if you either make the wwwMenu a
# global menu (Config->Global->PackageMenus...), or if you attach a
# key binding in your prefs.tcl to view a file; something like
# this:
# # Bind cmd-F12 to parse a file
# Bind 0x6f <c> wwwParseFile
# This file is copyright Vince Darley 1997, but freely distributable
# provided you note any modifications you make below. Please send
# me bug fixes and improvements.
# ###################################################################
alpha::menu wwwMenu 1.2 "global WWW HTML" "•286" {
addMode WWW wwwMenu {*.www} wwwMenu
ensureset javaviewerSig "WARZ"
set {newDocTypes(New Web Browser)} wwwParseFile
} {wwwMenu} {} maintainer {
"Vince Darley" darley@fas.harvard.edu <http://www.fas.harvard.edu/~darley/>
} uninstall {this-file} help {
Browse local html pages inside Alpha
newPref v header1Color blue WWW
newPref v header2Color red WWW
newPref v header3Color red WWW
newPref v linkColor green WWW
newPref v visitedLinkColor cyan WWW
newPref f mailtoLinksInternal 0 WWW
newPref f ftpLinksInternal 0 WWW
newPref f runJavaAppletsDirectly 0 WWW
newPref f wwwSendRemoteLinks 0 WWW
# To perform a special action with a new URL type, add an array
# entry indicating the procedure to be called with the remainder
# of the URL. You must also add a global variable or modeVar
# as above so that the user can choose whether Alpha should handle
# that type via the given procedure. If any of this fails, the
# URL is just given to Internet Config to deal with. Note that
# 'file' URL's are always handled internally.
set wwwUrlAction(mailto) "mailNewMsg"
set wwwUrlAction(ftp) "ftpWWWLink"
set wwwUrlAction(file) "fileWWWLink"
set wwwUrlAction(java) "javaWWWLink"
set _wwwAlwaysInternal [list file java]
proc wwwMenu {} {}
Menu -n $wwwMenu -p wwwMenuProc -M WWW {
{Menu -m -n gotoPage -p wwwMenuProc {
# Bind various keys to imitate lynx.
# +++ Keystroke Commands +++
# MOVEMENT: Down arrow - Highlight next topic
# Up arrow - Highlight previous topic
# Right arrow, - Jump to highlighted topic
# Return, Enter
# Left arrow - Return to previous topic
# SCROLLING: + - Scroll down to next page (Page-Down)
# - - Scroll up to previous page (Page-Up)
# SPACE - Scroll down to next page (Page-Down)
# b - Scroll up to previous page (Page-Up)
# CTRL-A - Go to first page of the current document (Home)
# CTRL-E - Go to last page of the current document (End)
# CTRL-B - Scroll up to previous page (Page-Up)
# CTRL-F - Scroll down to next page (Page-Down)
# CTRL-N - Go forward two lines in the current document
# CTRL-P - Go back two lines in the current document
# ) - Go forward half a page in the current document
# ( - Go back half a page in the current document
Bind 0x7d wwwDown WWW
Bind 0x7e wwwUp WWW
Bind 0x7c wwwSelectLink WWW
Bind 0x24 wwwSelectLink WWW
Bind 0x34 wwwSelectLink WWW
Bind 0x7b wwwBack WWW
Bind 0x24 <z> wwwModifyLink WWW
Bind 0x24 <o> wwwEditLinkedDocument WWW
Bind 0x79 "wwwKey pageForward" WWW
Bind 0x74 "wwwKey pageBack" WWW
Bind 0x31 "wwwKey pageForward" WWW
Bind '+' "wwwKey pageForward" WWW
Bind '-' "wwwKey pageBack" WWW
Bind 'b' "wwwKey pageForward" WWW
Bind 0x7e <c> "wwwKey Home" WWW
Bind 0x7d <c> "wwwKey End" WWW
Bind 'a' <z> "wwwKey Home" WWW
Bind 'e' <z> "wwwKey End" WWW
Bind 'b' <z> "wwwKey pageBack" WWW
Bind 'f' <z> "wwwKey pageForward" WWW
Bind 'n' <z> "wwwKey twoLinesForward" WWW
Bind 'p' <z> "wwwKey twoLinesBack" WWW
Bind ')' "wwwKey halfPageForward" WWW
Bind '(' "wwwKey halfPageBack" WWW
Bind 'e' "wwwMenuProc x viewSource" WWW
Bind 'g' wwwParseFile WWW
Bind 'c' wwwCopyLinkLocation WWW
Bind '\t' wwwDown WWW
Bind 'r' wwwReload WWW
set wwwSendRemoteLinks 0
set _wwwHistory ""
set _wwwHpos -1
set _wwwVisited ""
set _wwwPre 0
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "wwwKey" --
# Handle page-movement key bindings.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc wwwKey {key} {
if {[set a [_wwwKeyPosition $key]] != ""} {
_wwwHighlightLink [lindex [wwwGetCurrentLink] $a]
proc _wwwKeyPosition {key} {
switch $key {
"Home" {
goto [minPos]
wwwHighlightLink 0
return ""
"End" {
goto [maxPos]
wwwHighlightLink -1
return ""
"pageBack" {
return 0
"pageForward" {
return 1
default {
set p [getPos]
switch $key {
"twoLinesForward" {
return [_wwwEnsureOn $p]
"twoLinesBack" {
return [_wwwEnsureOn $p]
"halfPageForward" {
getWinInfo a
set lines $a(linesdisp)
set top $a(currline)
set q [rowColToPos [expr $top + ${lines}/2] 0]
goto [rowColToPos [expr $top + $lines + ($lines /2) -1] 0]
return [_wwwEnsureOn $p 1]
"halfPageBack" {
getWinInfo a
set lines $a(linesdisp)
set top $a(currline)
set q [rowColToPos [expr $top - ${lines}/2] 0]
goto [rowColToPos [expr $top - ${lines}/2] 0]
return [_wwwEnsureOn $p 1]
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "_wwwEnsureOn" --
# Make sure pos 'p' lies in the visible window area. If it does not,
# goto the closest position 'q' which does. If 'force', then
# provided 'p' is on-window, we goto it. Return values indicate
# in which direction to look for the rest of the visible window.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc _wwwEnsureOn {p {force 0}} {
getWinInfo a
set lines $a(linesdisp)
set top $a(currline)
set q [rowColToPos $top 0]
if {[pos::compare $q > $p]} {
goto $q
return 1
set q [pos::math [rowColToPos [expr $top + $lines] 0] - 1]
if {[pos::compare $q < $p]} {
goto $q
return 0
if {$force} {
goto $p
return 0
} else {
return ""
proc wwwMenuProc {menu item} {
if {$menu == "gotoPage"} {
# goto a history item
global _wwwHistory _wwwHpos
set pos [minPos]
foreach i $_wwwHistory {
if {[lindex $i 1] == $item} {
incr pos
if {$pos >= [llength $_wwwHistory]} {
alertnote "Sorry, I couldn't find that page!"
set _wwwHpos $pos
eval _wwwParseFile [lindex $_wwwHistory $_wwwHpos]
_wwwHighlightLink [lindex [wwwGetCurrentLink] 1]
switch $item {
"switchToBrowser" {
global browserSig
app::launchFore $browserSig
"viewHtmlFile" {
wwwParseFile [getfile "View which file"]
"viewThisFile" {
global mode
if {$mode == "HTML"} {
wwwParseFile [win::Current]
} else {
message "File must be HTML to be viewed!."
"viewSource" {
global mode
if {$mode == "WWW"} {
global _wwwHistory _wwwHpos
if {[catch {file::openQuietly [lindex [lindex $_wwwHistory $_wwwHpos] 0]}]} {
alertnote "Sorry, I couldn't find that page!"
"forgetHistory" {
global _wwwHistory _wwwHpos _wwwVisited
set _wwwHistory ""
set _wwwHpos -1
set _wwwVisited ""
Menu -m -n gotoPage -p wwwMenuProc {}
default {
eval www[string toupper [string index $item 0]][string range $item 1 end]
proc wwwParseFile {{f ""} {title ""}} {
if {$f == ""} { set f [getfile "View which file"] }
_wwwParseFile $f $title
global _wwwHistory _wwwHpos
if {[set i [lsearch -glob $_wwwHistory [list * [win::Current]]]] != -1} {
set _wwwHpos $i
} else {
set _wwwHistory [lrange $_wwwHistory 0 $_wwwHpos]
incr _wwwHpos
lappend _wwwHistory [list $f [win::Current]]
foreach f $_wwwHistory {
lappend g [lindex $f 1]
Menu -m -n gotoPage -p wwwMenuProc $g
_wwwHighlightLink [lindex [wwwGetCurrentLink] 1]
wwwVisited $f
proc _wwwParseFile {f {title ""}} {
if {$title != ""} {
global wwwWhere
if {[info exists wwwWhere($title)]} {
if {![catch {bringToFront $title}]} {
if {[catch {
set fin [open $f r]
set t [read $fin]
close $fin
}]} {
catch {close $fin}
alertnote "Sorry, I couldn't find and/or read that file."
error ""
message "Rendering…"
wwwParseText $t $f
message ""
proc wwwParseText {t {f ""}} {
set title "no-title"
regexp -nocase {<TITLE>(.*)</TITLE>} $t dummy title
global wwwWhere
if {[info exists wwwWhere($title)]} {
if {![catch {bringToFront $title}]} {
} else {
wwwNewWindow $t $title
set "wwwWhere($title)" $f
wwwNewWindow $t $title
proc wwwNewWindow {t title} {
set title [new -n $title -m WWW]
# ignore dirty flag and undo off.
setWinInfo shell 1
regexp -nocase {<BODY[^>]*>(.*)</BODY>} $t dummy t
catch {_wwwParseIntoWindow $t}
regsub -all {[][]} $title {\\&} title
setWinInfo read-only 1
#setWinInfo dirty 0
goto [minPos]
set wwwHtmlToStyle(B) bold
set wwwHtmlToStyle(I) italic
set wwwHtmlToStyle(U) underline
set wwwHtmlToStyle(BIG) outline
set wwwHtmlToStyle(SMALL) condensed
set wwwHtmlToStyle(EM) italic
set wwwHtmlToStyle(STRONG) bold
proc _wwwRemoveCrap {tt} {
upvar $tt t
regsub -all {alt="([^"]*)"[^>]*>} $t {>\1} t
regsub -all {<img[^>]*>} $t "" t
while {[set p [string first "<!--" $t]] != -1} {
set p2 [string first "-->" $t]
set t "[string range $t 0 [expr $p -1]][string range $t [expr $p2 + 3] end]"
while {[set p [string first "<FORM" $t]] != -1} {
set p2 [string first "/FORM>" $t]
set t "[string range $t 0 [expr $p -1]][string range $t [expr $p2 + 6] end]"
proc _wwwParseIntoWindow {t} {
global _wwwIndentation _wwwIndent
set _wwwIndentation 0
set _wwwIndent ""
_wwwRemoveCrap t
_wwwParseHtml $t
proc _wwwParseHtml {t} {
global _wwwIndentation _wwwIndent
while {[regexp {^([^<]*(<[<>][^<]*)*)<([^<>][^>]*)> *(.*)$} $t dummy first dmy html t]} {
wrapInsertText $first
switch -regexp [string toupper $html] {
"^A\\s+HREF\\s*=.*" {
set html [string range $html [expr 1+ [string first "=" $html]] end]
if {[regexp -nocase {^([^<]*)</A>(.*)$} $t "" name t]} {
wwwMakeLinkWord $name $html
"^A\\s+NAME\\s*=.*" {
set html [string range $html [expr 1+ [string first "=" $html]] end]
set html [string trim $html " \""]
setNamedMark $html [getPos] [getPos] [getPos]
if {[regexp -nocase "^(\[^<\]*)</$html>(.*)\$" $t "" name t]} {
global wwwHtmlToStyle
wwwMakeColourWord $name $wwwHtmlToStyle([string toupper $html]) 12
"^/TR" {
insertText "\r"
incr _wwwIndentation 3
append _wwwIndent " "
if {[string toupper $html] == "OL"} {
global _wwwOLcount$_wwwIndentation
set _wwwOLcount$_wwwIndentation 1
"^HR" {
insertText " ---------------------------------------------------------------- \r"
"^TD" {
#insertText " "
_wwwSplit t </APPLET> pre
if {![regexp -nocase {code *= *([^.]*)\.class} $html dummy class]} {
set class "applet"
wwwMakeLinkWord "Run java $class" "\"${class}.java\""
"^PRE" {
global _wwwPre
set _wwwPre 1
#_wwwSplit t </PRE> pre
#insertText $pre
"^/PRE" {
global _wwwPre
set _wwwPre 0
if {[string toupper $html] == "/OL"} {
global _wwwOLcount$_wwwIndentation
unset _wwwOLcount$_wwwIndentation
incr _wwwIndentation -3
set _wwwIndent [string range $_wwwIndent 3 end]
"^LI" {
global _wwwOLcount$_wwwIndentation
if {[info exists _wwwOLcount$_wwwIndentation]} {
insertText "[string range ${_wwwIndent} 2 end][set _wwwOLcount$_wwwIndentation] "
incr _wwwOLcount$_wwwIndentation
} else {
insertText "[string range ${_wwwIndent} 2 end]• "
"^DT" {
#_wwwSplit t <DD> pre
insertText "[string range ${_wwwIndent} 2 end]"
"^DD" {
insertText " "
"^P" {
set t [string trimleft $t]
"^BR( .*)?" {
if {[lindex [posToRowCol [getPos]] 1] != 0} {
insertText "\r"
set t [string trimleft $t]
"^H\[0-9\]" {
set html [lindex $html 0]
set num [string range $html 1 end]
if {[regexp -nocase "^(\[^<\]*)</$html>(.*)\$" $t dummy name t]} {
switch $num {
1 {
insertText "\r"
global header1Color
wwwMakeColourWord $name $header1Color 0 outline
2 {
global header2Color
wwwMakeColourWord $name $header2Color 0 bold
default {
global header3Color
wwwMakeColourWord $name $header3Color 0
insertText "\r\r"
_wwwSplit t </COMMENT> pre
"^EMBED\\s+" {
if {[regexp -nocase {src *= *"([^"]+)"} $html dummy embed]} {
set name "???"
regexp {[^/:]+$} $embed name
wwwMakeLinkWord "Embedded '$name'." $embed
"^/.*" {
default {
set html [lindex $html 0]
if {[regexp -nocase "^(\[^<\]*)</$html>(.*)\$" $t dummy name t]} {
wrapInsertText $name
wrapInsertText $t
proc _wwwBreakIfNecessary {} {
if {[lookAt [pos::math [getPos] - 1]] != "\r"} {
insertText "\r"
if {[lookAt [pos::math [getPos] - 2]] != "\r"} {
insertText "\r"
proc _wwwNewLineIfNecessary {} {
if {[lookAt [pos::math [getPos] - 1]] != "\r"} {insertText "\r"}
proc _wwwSplit {text at prefix} {
upvar $prefix a
upvar $text t
if {[set p [string first $at [string toupper $t]]] == -1} {
set a $t
set t ""
} else {
set a [string range $t 0 [expr $p -1]]
set t [string range $t [expr $p + [string length $at]] end]
proc wrapInsertText {text} {
global _wwwPre
if {!$_wwwPre} {
regsub -all "\[\t\r\n \]+" [string trim $text] " " text
regsub -all " " $text " " text
regsub -all "&" $text {\&} text
regsub -all "<" $text "<" text
regsub -all ">" $text ">" text
regsub -all """ $text {"} text
if {$_wwwPre} {
insertText $text
if {$text == ""} { return }
set r [posToRowCol [getPos]]
set x [lindex $r 1]
global _wwwIndentation _wwwIndent
if {$x > 74} {
insertText "\r$_wwwIndent"
set x 0
if {$x == 0} {
incr x $_wwwIndentation
} else {
if {[regexp {^\w} $text]} {
if {[regexp {\w} [lookAt [pos::math [getPos] - 1]]]} {
insertText " "
incr x
set fc [expr 75 - $x]
while {[string length $text] > $fc} {
set f [string last " " [string range $text 0 $fc]]
if {$f == -1} {
set f $fc
insertText "[string range $text 0 $f]\r$_wwwIndent"
set text [string range $text [incr f] end]
set fc [expr 75 - $_wwwIndentation]
insertText $text
proc wwwMakeColourWord {word ind ind2 {with ""}} {
wwwDoColour $ind $with
wrapInsertText $word
wwwDoColour $ind2 12
proc wwwDoColour {ind {with ""}} {
set p [getPos]
insertColorEscape $p $ind
if {$with != ""} {
insertColorEscape $p $with
proc wwwMakeColour {from to ind ind2} {
insertColorEscape $from $ind
insertColorEscape $to $ind2
proc wwwMakeLinkWord {word link} {
if {$word == ""} { return }
set p [getPos]
if {[regexp {\w} [lookAt [pos::math $p - 1]]]} {
insertText " "
set p [pos::math $p + 1]
set cmd "wwwLink [set link [string trim $link]]"
insertColorEscape $p [_wwwLinkColour $link]
insertColorEscape $p 15 $cmd
wrapInsertText $word
set p [getPos]
insertColorEscape $p 12
insertColorEscape $p 0
proc _wwwLinkColour {link} {
global linkColor visitedLinkColor _wwwVisited
if {[lsearch -exact $_wwwVisited [string trim $link {"}]] == -1} {
return $linkColor
} else {
return $visitedLinkColor
proc wwwMakeLink {from to link} {
set cmd "wwwLink [set link [string trim $link]]"
insertColorEscape $from [_wwwLinkColour $link]
insertColorEscape $from 15 $cmd
insertColorEscape $to 12
insertColorEscape $to 0
proc _wwwSynchroniseHistoryPos {} {
global _wwwHistory _wwwHpos
set w [win::Current]
regsub -all {[][]} $w {\\&} w
set _wwwHpos [lsearch -glob $_wwwHistory [list * $w]]
#set _wwwHistory [lrange $_wwwHistory 0 $_wwwHpos]
proc wwwVisited {to} {
global _wwwVisited
if {[lsearch -exact $_wwwVisited $to] == -1} {
lappend _wwwVisited $to
proc wwwLink {to} {
wwwVisited $to
if {[set l [string first ":" $to]] == -1} {
# it's local
_wwwSplit to "\#" pre
if {[string length $pre]} {
global wwwWhere
switch [file extension $pre] {
".class" -
".java" {
set pref "java"
default {
set pref "file"
wwwLink "${pref}://[file dirname $wwwWhere([win::Current])]/$pre"
gotoMark $to
_wwwHighlightLink [lindex [wwwGetCurrentLink] 1]
set p [string trimleft [string range $to [expr $l +1] end] "/"]
set urlType [string range $to 0 [expr $l -1]]
global wwwUrlAction
if {[info exists wwwUrlAction($urlType)]} {
# do we handle this internally
global ${urlType}LinksInternal
global _wwwAlwaysInternal
if {[lsearch -exact $_wwwAlwaysInternal $urlType] != -1 \
|| ([info exists ${urlType}LinksInternal] \
&& [set ${urlType}LinksInternal]) } {
$wwwUrlAction($urlType) $p
# if we didn't return above
wwwExternalLink $to
proc _wwwMassagePath {pp} {
upvar $pp p
regsub -all "/" $p ":" p
regsub -all {[^:]+:\.\.:} $p "" p
proc fileWWWLink {p} {
_wwwMassagePath p
global ModeSuffixes
if {[case [file extension $p] $ModeSuffixes] == "HTML"} {
wwwParseFile $p
} else {
file::openQuietly $p
proc javaWWWLink {p} {
global runJavaAppletsDirectly
if {$runJavaAppletsDirectly} {
# can run applet directly
_wwwMassagePath p
alertnote "Sorry, I don't yet know how to run .class files directly."
javaRun "[file root ${p}].class"
} else {
# use html file
global javaviewerSig _wwwHistory _wwwHpos
set app [file tail [app::launchFore $javaviewerSig]]
sendOpenEvent -n $app [lindex [lindex $_wwwHistory $_wwwHpos] 0]
proc ftpWWWLink {p} {
url::parseFtp $p i
ftpBrowse $i(host) $i(path) $i(user) $i(pass) $i(file)
proc wwwExternalLink {to} {
global wwwSendRemoteLinks
if {$wwwSendRemoteLinks} {
icURL $to
} else {
alertnote "External link to $to, toggle this mode's flags to use a helper instead of this message."
proc wwwForward {} {
global _wwwHistory _wwwHpos
if {$_wwwHpos < [expr [llength $_wwwHistory] -1]} {
incr _wwwHpos
eval _wwwParseFile [lindex $_wwwHistory $_wwwHpos]
} else {
message "Already at most recent document."
proc wwwReload {} {
global _wwwHistory _wwwHpos
eval _wwwParseFile [lindex $_wwwHistory $_wwwHpos]
proc wwwBack {} {
global _wwwHistory _wwwHpos
if {$_wwwHpos > 0} {
incr _wwwHpos -1
eval _wwwParseFile [lindex $_wwwHistory $_wwwHpos]
} else {
message "Already at first document."
proc wwwSelectLink {} {
set link [wwwGetCurrentLink]
set link [_wwwHighlightLink [lindex $link 0]]
set p [getPos]
set q [selEnd]
select $p $p
select $p $q
wwwLink $link
proc wwwEditLinkedDocument {} {
set to [_wwwHighlightLink [lindex [wwwGetCurrentLink] 0]]
if {[set l [string first ":" $to]] == -1} {
# it's local
_wwwSplit to "\#" pre
global wwwWhere
if {[string length $pre]} {
_wwwEditLinkedDoc "file://[file dirname $wwwWhere([win::Current])]/$pre"
} else {
_wwwEditLinkedDoc "file://$wwwWhere([win::Current])"
_wwwEditLinkedDoc $to
proc _wwwEditLinkedDoc {to} {
set l [string first ":" $to]
set p [string trimleft [string range $to [expr $l +1] end] "/"]
_wwwMassagePath p
if {[catch {file::openQuietly $p}]} {
alertnote "Sorry, I can't edit and/or find that document."
proc wwwModifyLink {} {
global mode
if {$mode != "WWW"} {
alertnote "Only useful in WWW browser mode."
global _wwwHistory _wwwHpos
set f [lindex [lindex $_wwwHistory $_wwwHpos] 0]
if {![file exists $f]} {
alertnote "Sorry, I couldn't find that file!"
set w [win::Current]
if {![catch {getWinInfo -w $f i}]} {
if {$i(dirty)} {
message "Saving original file."
bringToFront $f
bringToFront $w
set link [wwwGetCurrentLink]
_wwwHighlightLink [lindex $link 0]
set p [getPos]
set q [selEnd]
regexp "\{ $p 15 \{wwwLink \"(\[^\"\]*)\"\} \} \{ $q 12 \}" [getColors] dmy link
set link "\"$link\""
set to [getline "Enter new link location" $link]
if {$to == "" || $to == $link} {
if {![regexp {^"} $to]} { set to "\"$to" }
if {![regexp {"$} $to]} { append to {"} }
set link [quote::Regfind $link]
set to [quote::Regsub $to]
set cid [open $f "r"]
if {[regsub -all -- $link [read $cid] $to out]} {
set ocid [open $f "w+"]
puts -nonewline $ocid $out
close $ocid
message "Updated original."
close $cid
if {![catch {bringToFront $f}]} {
message "Updating window to agree with disk version."
bringToFront $w
setWinInfo read-only 0
wwwMakeLink $p $q $to
setWinInfo read-only 1
proc wwwUp {} {
set link [wwwGetCurrentLink]
_wwwHighlightLink [expr [lindex $link 1] -1]
proc wwwDown {} {
set link [wwwGetCurrentLink]
_wwwHighlightLink [expr [lindex $link 0] +1]
proc _wwwHighlightLink {l} {
global _wwwLinks
if {[set len [llength $_wwwLinks]] == 0} {return}
if {$l < 0 || $l >= $len} {
set l [expr ($l + $len) % $len]
set link [lindex $_wwwLinks $l]
eval select $link
set p [getPos]
set q [selEnd]
regexp "\{ $p 15 \{wwwLink \"(\[^\"\]*)\"\} \} \{ $q 12 \}" [getColors] dmy link
message "Links to '$link'"
return $link
proc wwwHighlightLink {l} {
global _wwwLinks
set _wwwLinks [_wwwGetLinks]
_wwwHighlightLink $l
proc wwwGetCurrentLink {} {
global _wwwLinks
set _wwwLinks [_wwwGetLinks]
set p [getPos]
set i 0
while 1 {
if {[set j [lindex [lindex $_wwwLinks $i] 0]] == ""} {
return [list [expr $i-2] [expr $i-1]]
if {$p <= $j} {
if {$p == $j} {
return [list $i $i]
} else {
return [list [expr $i-1] $i]
incr i
incr i -1
return [list $i $i]
proc wwwCopyLinkLocation {} {
alertnote "Unimplemented."
proc _wwwGetLinks {} {
regsub -all {\{wwwLink "[^"]*"\} } [getColors] "" g
# remove all non 12,15 items
regsub -all {\{ [0-9]+ ([0-9]|1[0134]) \} ?} $g "" g
# remove superimposed links (caused by editing)
regsub -all {(\{ [0-9]+ 15 \} )+(\{ [0-9]+ 15 \} ?)} $g {\2} g
# convert 15-12 list pairs into single items
regsub -all { ([0-9]+) 15 \} \{ ([0-9]+) 12 } $g {\1 \2} g
# remove random left-overs items
regsub -all {\{ [0-9]+ 12 \} ?} $g "" g
return $g